Gamers are everywhere and they’re fun! Last saturday night I was out for a not quite so quiet pint at the Grapes on Roscoe Street in Liverpool. 9 fine ales on, as per usual including 2 from Liverpool Organic Brewery both of which were sampled. I was heading back to the bar to a Totton Brewery ale, standing at the bar and happened to overhear 2 guys behind me talking about tabletop gaming.
Unable to stop myself I sorta butted into their conversation. Turns out one of the guys worked for Games Workshop for 15 years – bet he was fed up with Warhammer and White Dwarf? They were serious gamers and when I mentioned I found it hard to find anyone to play against, one chap recommended a 2-player WWII card game which for the life of me I cannot now remember, damn it They did recommend the board game geek website too though, which on reflection I did recognise.
Around now I realised I’d still not returned to our table and Ruth was still sat there dutifully waiting for her drink, oops! One of the 6 strong gamer-guys who was a little the worse for wear was chatting to her, just so she wouldn’t feel left out. Double oops! It all ended with smiles as they had a quick photo op with the rude bar-fly (that’d be me). I bet they’re looking at the photos on their Facebook pages this morning and thinking “who the bloody hell is that?”